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Writer's pictureAmy Smith

Quitting Your Job and Considering Your Next Career Move

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Leaving a job which has been leaving you unfilled when another job is not yet lined up can lead to a mixture of emotions. It may lead to feelings of relief and freedom on the one hand, but also stress, feeling directionless and lost on the other. If you’ve taken this, often, brave step, this is a perfect time to get in touch with your VALUES i.e. what is important to you (and only you, not what is important to you because of what you think others will think of you!). In our busy lives we get pulled in different ways and we do not often stop and take stock of where we are heading and whether we heading in the direction of our values. Leaving one job and not having another lined up, although daunting, can create the much need time, space and energy to reflect upon what is truly important to you. Living life more in line with our values contributes to a more fulfilled and satisfying life.

To identify your values with regards to work to enable you to choose a job that will be the most fulfilling for you, it is good to ask yourself these several questions:

· What qualities do I like to bring to my work?

· What kind of work is of value to me?

· What kind of relationships do I like to build at work?

· What kind of work really matters to me?

What kind of work is valuable to you? What qualities do you want to bring as an employee? What kind of work relationships would you like to build? What kind of work matters to you?

It can be highly difficult being in a job which is stressful and not enjoyable, it can leave us feeling stuck. It can be even more challenging making the brave move to leave

If you’ve taken the, often, brave step to leave one job without another lined up it may have left you feeling lost, directionless and like you’ve taken a step backwards in life. However, this is the perfect time to get in touch with your VALUES i.e. what is truly important to you. Living life more in line with our values is paramount to leading a more fulfilled and satisfying life.

In our busy lives we get pulled in different ways and we do not often stop and take stock of where we are heading and whether we are heading in the direction of our values. Leaving one job and not having another lined up can create the much needed space to reflect upon what is truly important to you, whether that’s in the area of work, relationships, leisure time and health. Grasp this opportunity to evaluate whether you are happy with what areas of your life your time and energy have been going into or whether it would be beneficial to re-evaluate this to then live life in more accordance to what is truly important to you.

If you would like support with your career prospects please email me at: or kindly complete the webform. I offer therapy in-person in St Albans/Hertfordshire and online.

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